The easiest way to locate plants in the Garden is to use the Plant Collection Record (PCR) which is the database of nearly everything planted since the 1970s. There is a physical copy in the guide trolley and also in the library in a red binder on the top shelf of the children's books. Both should have maps with bed numbers in the front.
It's often easier to look online or download the necessary documents:
09/2023 Plant Collection Record (accession list)-formats: .xlsx and .pdf
Column A is the botanic name
Column B is the common name (attention: several different plants can have the same common name)
Column C is the family name
Column D is the nativity of the plant
Column F shows the bed numbers and the quantity planted (in parentheses)
Column 6 gives the accession number: this is the year planted (often abbreviated elsewhere with the first two numbers of the century omitted - eg 2009 = 09, 1984 = 84) plus a four-digit code)
Next you need a List of Bed Numbers & Locations-formats: .xlsx and .pdf